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Safe link building

Features in RankerX that help you build link safely

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RankerX uses multiple techniques to help you build links safely. Theses techniques will help your accounts stay alive longer and also help you be better in search engines’ eyes.

Sticky Accounts:

Accounts created by RankerX will look natural and stay alive for a long time because we use multiple intelligent techniques to make it work.

  • We simuate real user behaviors with a real browser so the websites cannot distinguish between RankerX and a real user.

  • We use proxy matching. For example, if an account was created using a proxy, then RankerX will keep using that proxy when we create a (blog) post using that account.

Following search engines' eyes:

RankerX has multiple features so your content will look natural:

  • RankerX supports multiple types of keywords: Primary Keywords, Secondary Keywords, Long Tail Keywords ...

  • RankerX supports multiple locations for the links the articles: Top, Bottom, Between Paragraph, Replace Keywords, Using Tags...

  • Link-Keyword matching: You can easliy match a link with specific keywords easily in RankerX. For example you can easily match to Real eastate agent in Texas, and to Real eastate agent in New York

  • RankerX supports collocation. For example you want to links to coexist with an authority link in your same niche. This will make your article look more natural.

RankerX has many more techniques to help you be on top. So just Sign up and find our more.